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Blog Articles

How to Treat Eye Wrinkles Without Surgery

How to Treat Eye Wrinkles Without Surgery

Your eye area is often the first to show the ravages of time. Fortunately, Plexr® offers a nonsurgical approach to smooth out wrinkles and lines and leave you looking refreshed and younger.
Oct 17th, 2024
5 Unexpected Benefits of LASIK

5 Unexpected Benefits of LASIK

LASIK is a popular eye surgery for millions of people who want clearer vision without glasses or contacts. But that’s just one of its benefits. Here, learn five more benefits you might not know about.
Sep 16th, 2024
Reasons You’re Struggling to Drive at Night

Reasons You’re Struggling to Drive at Night

Nighttime poses unique challenges for drivers, but for some people, those challenges can be worrisome. Worse, nighttime driving problems tend to affect all of us as we get older. Here’s why these issues happen and what we can do to help.
Aug 5th, 2024
Say Goodbye to Sagging Skin Without Surgery

Say Goodbye to Sagging Skin Without Surgery

Plexr® is an innovative, noninvasive, skin-tightening system that helps tone and tighten skin without incisions, anesthesia, or injections. Here’s how it can help you enjoy smoother, more youthful-looking skin on your face, neck, and other areas.
Jul 8th, 2024
Why Do My Eyes Always Look Red?

Why Do My Eyes Always Look Red?

Red eyes can happen for lots of reasons. While redness is often a temporary issue, it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying problem. Here’s what causes eye redness and how we can help.
Jun 20th, 2024
What Happens If You Don’t Treat Cataracts?

What Happens If You Don’t Treat Cataracts?

Cataracts are a common cause of vision loss, and they tend to become more common as we get older. Here, learn how cataracts are treated and what to expect if you decide not to pursue treatment.
Apr 2nd, 2024
The Injectable Treatment to Soften Dark Under-Eye Circles

The Injectable Treatment to Soften Dark Under-Eye Circles

Dark circles aren’t just a flaw in your complexion — they can quickly age you and make you look tired and worn down. The good news is that filler injections can help. Here’s how to make those dark circles fade away in just one visit.
Mar 2nd, 2024

Beware of These 5 Foods to Protect Your Eyesight

Maybe you know your eyes depend on good nutrition to stay healthy. But what you might not know is that some foods can actually harm your eyes and your vision. Here are five food types you should limit or avoid.
Feb 2nd, 2024

How to Combat Tired, Aging Eyes

Getting older affects just about every aspect of your health, including your vision. Here, learn about some of the most common age-related eye and vision problems and what we can do to help you fight them.
Jan 12th, 2024
4 Essential Tips to Prepare for LASIK Surgery

4 Essential Tips to Prepare for LASIK Surgery

LASIK has helped millions of people see more clearly without contact lenses or glasses. If LASIK is in your future, these four tips can help you prepare for your surgery and your recovery.
Dec 13th, 2023
Cataracts? Try These At-Home Tips and Solutions

Cataracts? Try These At-Home Tips and Solutions

Cataracts are a common cause of permanent vision loss in the United States and worldwide. Fortunately, they can be surgically treated. However, if you’re not ready for surgery, these simple tips may help you see better in the meantime.
Nov 2nd, 2023
Recovering from Eyelid Surgery

Recovering from Eyelid Surgery

The aim of eyelid surgery is to tighten sagging eyelids to improve a patient’s vision, appearance, or both. If eyelid surgery is in your future, here’s what you can expect during healing and recovery.
Sep 1st, 2023
Yes, It's Important to Protect Your Eyes from the Sun

Yes, It's Important to Protect Your Eyes from the Sun

Sunshine: It can boost your mood and help your body produce vitamin D. But, it can also cause health problems, including eye damage and vision loss. Here, learn how to protect your eyes and your vision this summer and all year round.
Jul 1st, 2023
The Link Between Diabetes and Cataracts

The Link Between Diabetes and Cataracts 

Diabetes increases the risks for many medical problems, including cataracts. In this post, learn how the two are related and what steps you can take to protect your vision.
Jun 6th, 2023
Help! My Eyes Are Always Red

Help! My Eyes Are Always Red

Eye redness isn’t uncommon, and often, it’s not a serious problem. But some red eyes are a symptom of an underlying medical issue that needs prompt or immediate care. Here’s how to tell when your red eyes need treatment.
May 2nd, 2023
What to Expect During and After Laser Glaucoma Surgery

What to Expect During and After Laser Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma, which is a leading cause of blindness, affects millions of Americans. Laser surgery helps treat glaucoma by relieving the pressure that can damage the intraocular nerve. If laser surgery is in your future, here’s what you should know.
Apr 10th, 2023
4 Early Signs of Cataracts That Can Impact Your Vision

4 Early Signs of Cataracts That Can Impact Your Vision

Millions of people develop cataracts each year, and in their early stages, you might not even know you have them. These four early signs can help you seek medical treatment early, so you can help preserve your vision.
Mar 20th, 2023
Turn Back the Hands of Time with Nonsurgical Skin Tightening

Turn Back the Hands of Time with Nonsurgical Skin Tightening

Plexr® skin tightening uses advanced plasma energy technology to tighten and firm aging, lax skin without surgery, incisions, anesthesia, or downtime. Here’s how this innovative treatment can help you enjoy smoother, sexier skin.
Feb 23rd, 2023
The best way to recover from LASIK Surgery

The Best Way to Recover From LASIK Surgery

LASIK eye surgery can help people see clearly without glasses or contact lenses. If you’re going to get LASIK surgery, there are a number of things you can do to help make the recovery process go smoothly. Read about them here.
Jan 20th, 2023
Which Type of Laser Eye Surgery Is Right for Me?

Which Type of Laser Eye Surgery Is Right for Me?

Lasers have revolutionized the field of eye surgery. In fact, today’s lasers are used in several ways to improve vision and eye health. Here’s how to tell which laser procedure could help your eyes.
Dec 13th, 2022
8 Causes of Red Eyes — and What to Do About Them

8 Causes of Red Eyes — and What to Do About Them

Red eyes might not seem like a big deal, but sometimes, eye redness is a symptom of a much more serious problem. Ignoring redness — especially chronic redness — could result in permanent vision loss. Here’s what could be causing it.
Oct 12th, 2022
5 Popular Perks of Skin Tightening Treatment

5 Popular Perks of Skin Tightening Treatment

There was a time when surgery was the only “cure” for loose, sagging skin. Fortunately, today there’s another solution: Plexr® nonsurgical skin tightening. Here’s how it can help you recapture firm, smooth, younger-looking skin.
Sep 14th, 2022
How Eyelid Surgery Can Improve Your Vision

How Eyelid Surgery Can Improve Your Vision

Think your eyelids don’t have anything to do with good vision? Think again. Eyelid problems can definitely make it harder to see, and they can compromise eye health, too. Here’s how surgery can help.
Aug 1st, 2022
How to Fix Your Vision Problems From Cataracts

How to Fix Your Vision Problems From Cataracts

Cataracts are so common that they’re often considered a “normal” part of getting older. But there’s nothing natural about vision loss. Fortunately, cataracts can be treated, so you can enjoy clearer vision and a better quality of life.
Jul 11th, 2022
5 Ways Aging Impacts Your Eyes

5 Ways Aging Impacts Your Eyes

Clear vision and healthy eyes play major roles in our overall wellness and quality of life. Unfortunately, age often takes a toll on our vision and eye health. Here are five changes to watch out for.
Jun 1st, 2022
What Red Eyes Can Tell You About Your Health

What Red Eyes Can Tell You About Your Health

Red or bloodshot eyes are fairly common, and usually, eye redness is nothing to worry about. But there are times when redness can indicate a serious problem — one that needs prompt medical attention. Read on to learn more.
May 1st, 2022
Where Did the Dark Spots on My Skin Come From?

Where Did the Dark Spots on My Skin Come From?

When it comes to aging skin, wrinkles seem to get all the attention. But dark spots can make you look older, too, and they can form even before wrinkles begin to emerge. Here’s why dark spots happen — and what we can do to fade them.
Apr 7th, 2022
Recovering From Laser Eye Surgery

Recovering From Laser Eye Surgery

Offering high levels of precision and accuracy, lasers are widely used to treat several eye and vision problems. If laser surgery is on your calendar, here’s what you can expect during your recovery.
Mar 8th, 2022
5 Reasons to Consider Dermal Fillers

5 Reasons to Consider Dermal Fillers

No matter how well you care for your skin, there comes a time when we all feel we need a little touch-up to look — and feel — our best. That’s when dermal fillers can help. Here are five ways fillers can rejuvenate your look.
Feb 1st, 2022
Common Signs of a Corneal Ulcer

Common Signs of a Corneal Ulcer

Corneal ulcers are tiny sores that form in the clear covering of the eye, and without prompt medical treatment, they can cause permanent loss of vision. Knowing these common signs can help you get treatment right away.
Jan 1st, 2022
What to Expect From Cataract Surgery

What to Expect From Cataract Surgery

Every year, millions of Americans have cataract surgery to restore their vision. If you have cataracts and you’re wondering what cataract surgery and recovery are like, we have the answers.
Dec 12th, 2021
Plexr for More Vibrant Skin: 7 Complaints it Corrects

Plexr for More Vibrant Skin: 7 Complaints it Corrects

Plexr®, which uses advanced plasma technology to treat complexion-related issues, can give you the healthy, beautiful skin you’re looking for — all without surgery. Here are seven issues that can be treated with Plexr.
Nov 14th, 2021
How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Do you ever look in the mirror and feel like your parent or grandparent is looking back at you? There’s a good chance dermal fillers can fix that. Here’s how filler injections can help you look more youthful and less worn out.
Oct 12th, 2021
Seeing Halos? Schedule a Glaucoma Evaluation

Seeing Halos? Schedule a Glaucoma Evaluation

If you see halos when you look at a light source, you need to have your eyes checked right away. This could indicate that you have glaucoma, which is a serious eye disease that can result in vision loss. Read on to learn more.
Sep 12th, 2021
5 Benefits of Skin Tightening

5 Benefits of Skin Tightening

You might think sagging, wrinkled skin is an inescapable part of aging, but you’d be wrong! The innovative Plexr® system uses plasma technology to tighten skin, and no surgery is involved. Here are five reasons you should consider Plexr.
Aug 16th, 2021

Are Your Droopy Eyelids Impairing Your Vision?

Droopy eyelids may not only be an annoyance, but they can become severe enough to interfere with your eyesight. The good news is that droopy eyelids can be corrected. Read on to learn more.
Jul 21st, 2021

When You Need an Opthamalogist for Red Eyes

Red eyes aren’t always a sign of a serious eye problem — but they can be. Knowing when to call the office is an important part of getting the care you need to protect your eyes. Here’s what to look for.
Jun 30th, 2021

All About Plexr Skin Tightening

Sagging eyelids and wrinkles can age your eye area dramatically, and that means your whole face can look older, too. Plexr skin tightening can help restore youthful eyes without surgery, so you can look and feel more confident. Here’s how it works.
May 26th, 2021

Botox® or Fillers: Which Is Right for You?

Some choices are a bit harder than others, especially when it comes to which aesthetic treatment is best for you. We’re giving you the skinny on Botox® and fillers, so you can feel confident in your choice of cosmetic injection.
Mar 22nd, 2021