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5 Benefits of Skin Tightening

5 Benefits of Skin Tightening

Few things can age you as quickly as loose, droopy skin, which can become more common with age. The good news is that with the state-of-the-art Plexr® system, you can tone and tighten loose skin without resorting to surgery.

At Advanced Eye Center in Hialeah, Florida, Rodrigo Belalcazar, MD, uses Plexr to tighten skin around the eyes, face, neck, elbows, and other areas to restore a firmer, smoother, and more youthful appearance.

Plexr uses plasma arc energy to create controlled “micro injuries.” These micro injuries then stimulate your body’s natural healing response, resulting in tighter, firmer skin. 

Plexr technology offers plenty of benefits for anyone looking to rejuvenate their skin and eliminate signs of aging and wear. Here are five important benefits you can reap from a Plexr treatment.

1. Firm up loose skin

Loose, crepey skin happens to most of us as we get older and our skin’s collagen production slows way down. Collagen is a protein that links together to provide a supportive scaffolding for skin. 

When collagen is in short supply, skin can lose its firmness and tone. Crepey skin can happen just about anywhere on the body, but it tends to be most noticeable around the eyelids, elbows, and knees, which are areas that can be treated with Plexr.

2. Lift sagging skin

In addition to losing collagen with age, skin also tends to lose volume and its ability to retain moisture. This can lead to skin that sags and droops. 

Plexr’s focused bursts of plasma energy target deep tissues where sagging begins. After treatment, your skin should look and feel firmer and more lifted. And since Plexr stimulates collagen production, you should continue to see benefits for weeks after your treatment.

3. Smooth out wrinkles

Plexr technology creates what’s called a plasma arc to deliver heat energy in a unique way. Arc technology warms targeted areas of skin. Natural healing responses then cause the skin to contract, thus smoothing out wrinkles to make skin look younger and firmer.

4. No surgery required

This benefit offers several “mini” benefits. Without surgery, you also won’t have any of the risks associated with surgery, such as:

There are no stitches and no injections, either. Recovery is faster, too, with far less downtime compared to a surgical procedure used to tighten loose, hanging skin.

5. Feel more confident

This benefit really doesn’t need a lot of explanation, but having firmer, smoother skin may help you feel more confident. Turning back the clock and taking years off your appearance may give you the boost you need.

Beyond these benefits, skin tightening with Plexr is completely customizable, so you can get just the benefits you’re looking for. To learn more about Plexr and how it can help you reach your goals, book an appointment online or over the phone with Advanced Eye Center today.

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