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The Best Way to Recover From LASIK Surgery

The best way to recover from LASIK Surgery

About 10 million people have had LASIK eye surgery since the FDA approved the procedure nearly 25 years ago. Used to correct refractive vision problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, LASIK has helped many people see better without needing to rely on glasses or contact lenses.

Refractive vision errors happen when the clear cornea at the front of the eye is misshapen, altering the way light strikes the retina at the back of the eye. These alterations make vision blurry. LASIK uses laser energy to reshape the cornea, so you can see more clearly.

At Advanced Eye Center in Hialeah, Florida, Rodrigo Belalcazar, MD, has helped numerous patients see clearly by performing LASIK surgery. In this blog, he explains 11 tips you can use to help your recovery go smoothly.

1. Use protective eyewear

After your surgery and throughout your recovery, it’s very important to protect your eyes. Wearing protective goggles can allow you to see and also keep your eyes free of irritants.

2. Use eye drops as recommended

Dr. Belalcazar provides patients who are getting LASIK surgery with eye drops. Use the eye drops as directed to keep your eyes moist and to keep irritation to a minimum.

3. Don’t rub your eyes

After LASIK surgery, your eyes might feel itchy or scratchy, but it’s very important to avoid the temptation to rub them. Doing so could damage the cornea and cause other problems with healing and your vision.

4. Prep ahead of time

Do some meal prep or have frozen meals on hand so you don’t have to bother with cooking or grocery shopping. Have over-the-counter pain medicine on hand, too. Ask friends or relatives to be on hand for errands. Since you’ll need to avoid getting your eyes wet during the early stages of healing, wash your hair before your appointment and wear comfy clothes, so you can nap as soon as you get home.

5. Get plenty of rest

Speaking of napping, make rest a priority during your recovery. Resting gives your eyes extra time to heal, and when your eyes are closed, they won’t be irritated by bright lights, either.

6. Avoid smoke and dust

Airborne particles from dust, smoke, or fumes can irritate your eyes. So do your best to avoid environments that have these irritants.

7. Wear sunglasses

After LASIK surgery, your eyes will be sensitive to light. In addition to wearing sunglasses any time you go outside during your recovery, have them on hand for indoor use, too, especially for bright places or in areas where sunshine is streaming in.

8. Skip eye makeup

Eye liner, eye shadow, artificial eyelashes, and mascara should all be avoided while your eyes are healing to prevent infection and avoid irritation. Don’t use concealer, moisturizer, or other lotions or creams around your eyes during recovery, either.

9. Avoid strenuous activity

Exercise is important for your overall health, but during LASIK recovery, strenuous activity can interfere with your healing. Generally, gentle exercise is OK a few days after your surgery, but to be safe, ask Dr. Belalcazar when it’s safe to resume your workouts.

10. Follow recovery instructions to the letter

After your LASIK visit, we’ll give you complete instructions for aftercare. Follow these instructions closely, and if you have any questions, call the office so we can clear up any confusion. 

11. Attend your follow-up visits

After LASIK, it’s very important to come in for your follow-up visits to make sure your eyes are healing well and to discuss the remainder of your recovery. If you must miss an appointment, reschedule it immediately to avoid potential problems.

If you want to know if LASIK surgery can help you, Dr. Belalcazar can give you a thorough evaluation and discuss your next steps. To learn more, call 305-707-6011 or book an appointment online with Advanced Eye Center today.

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